Fantastical Icon


Create calendar events and reminders using natural language.


Fantastical 2 is the Mac calendar you'll actually enjoy using.

Creating an event with Fantastical is quick, easy, and fun:

  • Open Fantastical with a single click or keystroke
  • Type in your event details and press return

...and you're back to what you were doing with a shiny new event in your calendar!

Fantastical's natural language engine is expressive and intelligent so you can write in your own style. Fantastical also automatically recognizes the location of your event and can even invite people from your Contacts to the event.

Your events have never looked better.
Plan your day in style with the most attractive calendar you've ever seen. Color-coding and beautiful design help you quickly make sense of your schedule. You can even change the number of events you want displayed, allowing you to focus on what's important. Need more info about an event? Just click on it and the event's important details will be displayed instantly.

Edit and delete with ease.
Presenting the easiest and quickest way to change your events: select the event you want to change and take control of your event with a single click or keystroke. For example, add event notes to existing events. Enter the information that's important for you to remember and it will stay attached to your event.

BYOC (Bring Your Own Calendar).
Fantastical works with your favorite Mac calendar services: iCloud, MobileMe, Google Calendar or Yahoo! Calendar accounts: simply add them to Fantastical 2 and you're all set.


  • Ability to scroll to a specific day or week in the Week and Month views when using a trackpad
  • Reminders now appear in the Day, Week, and Month views
  • Reminders can now be organized by list
  • Cut, copy, and paste events and reminders
  • Added Dock app icon badge preference
  • Additional options for Menu bar icon preference
  • Text size setting now adjusts the text size in the Day, Week, and Month views
  • Added Extra Small and Huge text size options
  • Arrow keys can now navigate in the Day, Week, and Month views
  • Invitee autocomplete now includes other users on CalDAV servers that support user lookup
  • Improved drag-and-drop when dragging events or reminders to the Finder
  • Use a pinch-and-zoom gesture to change the number of hours in the Day and Week views
  • All-day section in Day and Week views now shows more events
  • Added Message with Sound alerts for birthdays
  • Drag-and-drop URLs or text on event or reminder details to change the URL or note
  • Added preference to disable going to today after adding new items
  • Performance improvements when loading events with huge numbers of invitees
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect date would sometimes be shown when opening Fantastical
  • Fixed an issue where times could appear shifted in the Day and Week views
  • Fixed an issue where alerts couldn't be removed on Google Calendar
  • Fixed an issue where a single instance of a recurring invitation wouldn't appear in the pending invitations section
  • Fixed an issue where some invitations imported from .ics files didn't allow responding to them
  • Various fixes and improvements


File Size
12.3 MB
Operating Systems
Mac OS X
System Requirements
  • OS X 10.10 or later
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